Just hanging around

In all the posts about weddings and the multitudes of traditions and expectations around them, I’ve neglected to post much about myself. After all, if you are looking for a celebrant, you want to know that I’m a good fit for your wedding. Right?

One of my hobbies is wearing lycra and dangling from the roof. That’s nowhere near as creepy as that sounds I promise. I’m a (very) amateur aerialist and I have been doing aerial silks classes for 12 years now. It is a hell of a lot of fun, even if a man in his forties probably shouldn’t wear lycra.

It doesn’t always go to plan. Back in 2012 I had a fairly significant injury but the surgeons did a wonderful job and I’m fully capable of doing your wedding I promise. I’ll even swap the lycra for a suit and of course, a bow tie.

If there are any circus people out there looking for a celebrant, or if you are a non-circus couple looking for a celebrant with a sense of adventure and always up for a laugh, then give me a shout!

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