Lost in translation
This weekend I’m doing my first wedding accompanied by a translator. One of the grooms is German and his family are going to be there. Because they don’t speak any English the ceremony will be in English and the translator will be doing their bit to make sure everyone there gets the full experience.
If you are planning a wedding and need a translator there are some things to consider. If your official witnesses need the translator to understand the ceremony, then the translator needs to fill out a form, legally declaring that they have done a faithful translation. If it is regular friends and family just there to enjoy the ceremony, but not officially witness the marriage then the translator doensn’t need that form.
I’m assuming the translator for this weekend is doing a faithful job but the witnesses speak English so they don’t need to legally state they are translating properly.
Not everything translates across languages and cultures. We have decided to forgo the German wedding tradition of the couple sawing a log of wood in half to prove they can work as a team. Instead we are going have a summer wedding in a park followed by several drinks! The true Aussie tradition. I’m sure a beer on a hot day works in any language.